We recently published a blog about scooters. That blog noted the obvious fact that scooters are an increasingly popular mode of transportation. A tragedy occurring in Fort Lauderdale after our blog was published underscores the potential risk when riding an electric scooter.
A 27-year-old Fort Lauderdale woman rented a so-called e-scooter and began riding in the streets of Fort Lauderdale. Her family alleges she was given bad information about where the scooter was supposed to be ridden. She rode in the street instead of on the sidewalk and was hit by a car, resulting in catastrophic injuries. It has been reported that today she remains confined to a hospital, in a vegetative state, with a severe brain injury.
Fort Lauderdale’s City Attorney, Alain Boileau, has stated that sidewalks are the only acceptable place to ride scooters in that city. Nevertheless, one scooter app, as well as information on its scooters themselves, reportedly tell people using the scooters not to ride on the sidewalk.
The debate about where scooters should be ridden will likely go on for some time. Things are complicated by the fact that cities and counties throughout the state are handling the problem differently. Indeed, some cities are banning scooters altogether. Hopefully, the lack of uniformity will be corrected on a statewide level – after analyzing which approach is safest. After all, the reality is that simply imposing a ban is likely not going to resolve the safety issues, as people will likely continue to use this popular mode of transportation regardless.
As this recent South Florida tragedy underscores, it is crystal clear that the innocent looking e-scooter can be dangerous. With Spring Break upcoming, we all need to be extra careful when it comes to scooters.
If you have been involved in an accident involving a scooter, feel free to contact the Florida personal injury attorneys at Lesser, Landy, Smith & Siegel, PLLC. We have decades of experience handling all types of vehicular accidents.
Article By Partner Mickey Smith